ACP Centre

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My Centre

A Bit About Me

My name is Ruth and I am a home childcare provider in Mississauga, Ontario. I graduated from the Early Childhood Education program at Cambrian College in 1982 and worked in center-based care until opening up my home childcare in 1995. I love the lower teacher-child ratio and the fact that I often have children in my group from infancy through to their schooling years.

My Philosophy

Children learn by doing and learn best when allowed to explore their world using all their senses in a safe and nurturing environment. Children benefit greatly from the family atmosphere and small group size. Friends grow and learn together in a small group setting. My program incorporates a mixture of planned and child directed activity time and children are able to experiment with and explore all materials available to them at their own pace.

What to Expect

Our Day

We start our day at 7:00 in the morning. We usually follow this daily schedule, but of course when working with young children flexibility is the key so times and events may vary depending on the day.


7:00 - 8:30 child directed play / individually planned learning curriculum
8:30 - 9:00 snack / washroom / dress for outside
9:00 - 10:00 outdoor play time
10:00 - 10:15 undress / washroom
10:15 - 10:30 circle
10:30 - 11:30 child directed play / theme planned activities (preschool, craft, baking, etc.)
11:30 - 11:45 tidy up / washroom
11:45 – 12:15 lunch
12:15 – 12:30 washroom / settle for naps
12:30 - 2:30 naptime
2:30 - 2:45 wake up/washroom
2:45 - 3:00 snack
3:00 - 3:50 child directed play / computer time (M/W/F)
3:50 – 4:00 tidy up/washroom/dress for outside
4:00 - 4:30 outdoor play

Special Days

We celebrate many holidays and special days within the program. Fun and educational activities are planned around these days.

Current families can view our Online Calendar for special days and events. This calendar is password protected.


Academics: I implement a literature rich theme curriculum as well as an individualized program for each child with an emphasis on literacy and math. "Homework" is sent home so parents can see what activities their children are engaged in during the day and work on extended activities with them.

Dramatic Play: Through play, children develop a sense of self and make sense of the world around them. They gain knowledge and skills about every day life and situations that surround them within their family. Children develop social skills, problem solving skills, as well as fine motor skills during dramatic play experiences.

Arts and Crafts: Children will develop fine motor skills, artistic skills, self expression, self confidence, and eye-hand co-ordination while expressing themselves and experiencing many art activities.


The children receive a hot and nutritious lunch every day and two snacks. A copy of my monthly menu is provided to the parents as well as being posted in the kitchen.

The Centre

Carpet Toys

Toys within the carpet play area encourage imaginative play, social play, and conversations with peers. Children work together to construct many different play situations. They develop math and science skills while building, sharing, and playing cooperatively with their friends.

Quiet Toys and Activity Table

Toys within the quiet play area develop fine motor skills, literacy skills, problem solving skills, and learning concepts such as colours, shapes, and numbers.

Computer Area

Children will develop technological skills as well as literacy, problem solving, math, and science skills while playing age appropriate educational games on the computer.

Outdoor Time

Children develop gross motor skills, a love for physical activities, and social skills such as taking turns and sharing while participating in a wide variety of outdoor activities. In addition to the three climbing structures in the backyard, children have many other outdoor toys to explore such as bikes, cars, hoola hoops, the teeter totter, water play, shovelling, sand play, ball play. We also go on walks to the baseball diamond for ball play and t-ball, to the four neighbourhood parks, to lake Aquitaine, and to the splash pad. We enjoy outdoor play all year round as part of our physical education program.


Children are enrolled in the program from 12 months of age up until school age.


Full Time
$250/week/child for children under 2
$195/week/child for children 2 and over

Part Time:
$55/day/child for children under 2
$45/day/child for children 2 and over

A year-end receipt is issued for income tax purposes.